Jump Shot Tips
By Billiard Television Editor • Aug 29th, 2008 • Category: Billiard Tips FeatureDean shows us the easy way to jump the ball. DVD Now Available.
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I guess you could, but if you can get your bridge hand to do the job then do it, may take some practice. Now if you have really small hands, you may need a bridge to get the elevation required for this shot.
Good Luck
hey dean can you use a bridge for this shot to?
I would rather jump than masse…
This shot is fun, but takes a little practice. First hit your cue ball into the rail not to hard and see if you can get it to jump back over a ball, then work on your accuracy. Good luck and have fun, remember to shoot a little above center and elevate slightly, about 1 foot from the rail –
Thanks for your comment –
yea..ecxataly that one..
thanks man
This is correct, and thanks for answering Shadow180596’s question about why jump shots curve –
If it’s the only option, but this shot requires lots of practice, also much easier if you have a “Jump Cue” –
Good Luck and let me know how you are doing, thanks
I think I know what you mean, is the trick shot I do in the beginning intro? Let me know and I’ll try and explain –
Thanks for you comments and good luck with your game
hey dean..
can u make a video about how to make the jump shot..but when hitting the ball in the rail..then it jumping over the target ball on the way back..
this is just a quick question. would you recommend doing the jump regularly, or just only if its the last option?
on your and loads of pro on tv pool players, on there cue theres a little chunky bit and its lighter coloured on the cue, just before the the screw on bit with connects the 2 piece cue, what is the chunky bit and how can i get 1?
Hey Dean. Great videos mate 🙂 Jump shot question. From you opinion, can you give me a rating score ( / 10 ) on each cue stick VS the % accuracy and reliability when performing jump shots (1) Your typical used cue stick at a bar (2) brand new cue stick with big tip (3) brand new with small tip (4) jump cue stick. Thanks
Great idea, this is also good practice for me, makeds me thinks and plan each shot as I explain what it, keeps me honest.
Thanks for the tip and I’ll be mentioning you when this tip come out.
Dean, can you play through a game, with someone or by yourself and as you go give tips on what are the best choices and what you would do???
Thanks, all of that hard work is paying off, they are just getting better I hope you keep watching, also my DVD is coming out next month hope you get a chance to watch it.
We did shoot a video on Masse, I will check to see if it was uploaded, thanks for watching
yeah make a video on masse!
when you strike the cue ball, the stick is coming down in a left/right angle, putting a left or right spin on the ball so when the ball hits the table, it catches the surface and curves.
It’s a great video, it’s cut very well. Congratulations!
It’s a great video, and it cut very well. Congratulations!
can u make a video about massa
Yes, sometimes I like to “Spear” the cue ball, I get more cue elevation and it’s easier to jump at close range. If I really want to control the cue ball I will stroke the cue ball with normal stroke and with less elevation, maybe on my next “Jump” video I will explain more… thanks for watching Dean’s Pool Tips
You hold the jump stick weird.
Hey thanks for posting these! They’re Gonna help my game a lot!
Check your Stroke, this happens because you are not hittin center on the cue ball also check the elevation of your cue, don’t be to jacked up… meaning lower the back end a little, see if this helps, again it’s all in your stroke, keep it straight.
Good Luck….