billiard videos

Billiard, Pool, and Snooker Videos for the Cue Sport Junkie   

More About Snooker

By • Oct 23rd, 2008 • Category: Snooker Videos

More thoughts about snooker. Good commentary about the snooker industry.

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25 Responses »

  1. The potential is there…. But no, I don’ think it will.

  2. do you think the game will ever get big in the US forcefollow?

  3. snooker its much harder to play than any other cue sport.

    its a top sport i hope it catches in the states like it has in china.

  4. Know what ya mean, like 9 ball but still find snooker much more challanging cos the shear size of the table and the much smaller pockets so your eye and cueing technique are really tested to the max in building your break and your safety play too. You should defo give it a try tho mate before you make an oppinion on it…

  5. idk, i havent played snooker ever but from watching it and learning the rules, i think i would rather go play a game of 9 ball where you have to focus on one ball until its pocketed and make shape for the next ball. Snooker delivers a game a little more similar to 8 ball where you have a choice of all different red balls.

  6. Thanks, I’ll check it out.

  7. Lately, Yahoo/Eurosport have been offering free online streams for John Higgins’s World Series of Snooker summer-fall tour – a real treat!

  8. ya but they never use it in snooker or english pool :O its cheating i got told

  9. i believe a pool glove puts less friction between your hand and the cue… dont quote me on that though! 😀

  10. are you using the rest left handed?

  11. why do you use a glove? i always seen alot of people using them and i think its strange :\ i never used one before

  12. nice shot with the rest on the right lower pocket, almost prefect on the black

  13. Nice vid. I agree, think snooker is the more entertaining game… much harder and more tacticle, its a shame more americans dont enjoy the game.

  14. No offense taken mate. Just tongue and cheek. I am going to watch a snooker tournament live for the first time. Eurosport is the only access us yanks have to live snooker coverage.

  15. LOL.
    Yeah sorry, that was abit petty.
    Keep the vids comin dude.

  16. Get over it. I am an ignorant American.

  17. Nice to see an american into snooker.
    Please don’t pronounce it ‘snucker’ though. I find that quite insulting 😛

  18. Force,

    Great to see the snooker videos and very interesting to hear your opinions of the game as a pool player originally. Hope you keep playing snooker and update us with your progress.

    Another good thing you could do would be to sell the game in America, but I’ll understand if this doesn’t happen overnight.

    Me out.

  19. If you use the rest, try making the distance between the cross and the cueball bigger, helps with spin and straightness of your cueline. I think you aren’t doing that bad, especially since you play pool normally.

  20. Lol you should try playing 9 ball on a snooker table its awesome fun. I am a snooker player but i just gave this a shot for kicks and turned out to be really nice.

  21. Snooker’s HARDER in regards 2 the potting. Breakbuilding is very tough,To score 30 is complex even for an DECENT player. Since I’ve been exposed to your game, I have respect 4 what goes into it. The general responce in England is the pockets R buckets. This is out of ignorence. I’ve learned much regarding cueball control and routes around the table whilst playing 9ball. This has helped my snooker and Find pool to be a FUN alternative. Well done with your informative videos, plz keep them coming.

  22. It’s strange that you mention snooker being more popular if exposed more. I used to be able to watch snooker quite often 5-10 years ago but now i never see it. p.s i’m from canada and I also enjoy watching snooker. My favourit player was Stephen Hendry.

  23. Oh right I never knew it was dead straight on as its hard to tell with the camera angle, plus the pocket is cut off the camera. But yeah, you are right. if it was dead straight the only really option he had was to screw back.

  24. It’s still a leather tip, but it is glued directly onto the wood. (not a plastic ferrule)
    However the tip is aprrox. 10mm rather than the 13mm pool cues have. Also the butt of the cue is beveled.

  25. Actually he left himself dead straight on the black, so the best he could have done, was screw back to play for the red into the left centre.

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