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Billiard, Pool, and Snooker Videos for the Cue Sport Junkie   

3 Tips On Pool Technique

By • Feb 25th, 2019 • Category: Uncategorized

3 things to consider. ***Check out this link!!!***

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25 Responses »

  1. with regard to the back-pause…..if the stroke is absolutely straight with no deviation from the line then it is physically impossible not to pause at the back of the stroke, if only for a millisecond. If there is a wobble or deviation from the stroke line then it is possible to have a continuous motion throughout the entire stroke. The ability to have this continuous motion in the stroke is a clue cause enough to work on perfecting the straightness of the stroke.

  2. great videdo.. thanx

  3. great, im going to take the laptop to my new pool table and train all the day. keep doing this good work

  4. i agree with madurru. u dee sheez neez.

  5. I appreciate your feedback. Please tell your friends about my videos.

  6. Your videos are better than any I’ve seen on youtube! I have used many of your drills and am seeing great results. P.S. I would like to see mor about three and four rail position drills or something to help my one pocket game. Thank You!

  7. As usual you provide excellent tips.


  8. thanks for the tips 🙂

  9. I was always wondering, why I play much better when I am out driking and playing for fun, I have just come to the realization that the reason is me doing far less practise strokes and also, I tend to stop right before shooting… thanks man, I would have never come to this conclusion without this video!

  10. Yep, well said, i only play UK pool but these all apply, i was taugh to have a good regularity including a set pause. I enjoyed this video

  11. Interesting video. The first tip can actually be quite useful: I tend to find that when I am playing badly, I start to over-think the shot process, and a lot of practise strokes usually leads to a loss of concentration on the shot. The back pause is another good tip: textbook procedure in snooker, where it is used to really concentrate on the upcoming shot.

  12. greetings forcefollow. I like the videos and am very greatful for the 90 degree and 30 degree rules that have improved my game. However, living in Ireland i grew up playing on the british (smaller tables). Would you find that all your techniques work with smaller gauge balls.From my own experience I feel its easier control the cueball when its bigger.Hence my question. Have you any techniques on improving draw with smaller balls? I can achieve draw but feel i am using too much power. Cheers Pal

  13. Thanx for the word. It means allot.

  14. Tnx for your tips, I’m always eager to try new drills to help improve my game, keep up the good work and don’t pay no mind to the naysayers out there.

  15. thanks for the advice especially since i love pool and im going to buy a pool table really soon

  16. Just wanted to say that your videos are great. Excellent advice, and easy to understand tips. Thanks for the help!

  17. good job Your videos are always very informative and helpful.

  18. nice one! congrats for visits 😀

  19. great advice!! Congrats on the seven digit views!!

  20. This is really great advice. I’m going to go and try this today.
    Other stuff I’d like to see: More 8 ball racks, and more tips on cue ball control and positional play!

  21. dude, I’m learning. Finally some good pool vids! Thanks and congrats

  22. On back pause, if you want your stroking to be perfect, certainly the last stroke when your gonna hit the cue ball. Then the pause has to be long enough so that the shot routine can be canceled in a fluid way. With no pause and one detects a sleight wobble it meight be that the shot is continued. (Even have a succesfull hit) Where it could be wise
    to cancel the routine and start all over.

    Congrats on the views, a nice reward for much effort. 🙂

  23. Congrats on the views, a good result for a tremendous effort.

  24. I got a “worthless” answer:
    If it works, it works. Just keep checking from time to time that your still accurate. If not, you have to ajust. Pool is verry personal, there is no ‘one size fits all’. So if your having problems wich you can’t solve, then either you have to watch vids. from forcefollow 🙂 or go to a teacher. Be sure you can dream the basics, like stance etc.

  25. Ronnie O’Sullivan usually does only one practise stroke before the shot, when he’s in the break.
    It certainly works out fine for him, but do you think it is a good idea for an intermediate player to try to get used to only one practise stroke?

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