billiard videos

Billiard, Pool, and Snooker Videos for the Cue Sport Junkie   

How To Bank Part 1 of 1

By • Feb 25th, 2019 • Category: Billiard Tips, Uncategorized

A discussion of aiming bank shots.

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25 Responses »

  1. nice tutorial, much appreciated.

  2. It´s the same as using a “mirror”.
    The lines are exactly the same, just simple maths 😉
    Well explained!

  3. This is the method I always used to bank. Of course variables like speed and spin can change the reaction of the object ball off the rail, but you won’t find an easier method to visualize the basic contact point of the rail. You’re thourough with your explanation of the shot. I was waiting to hear draw the line from object ball to opposing pocket, and you hit on it. So if someone is bypassing the side and going for a cross corner bank they should be able to understand this reasonably well.

  4. it was a bit confusing at the begining but now i’m starting to understand what your saying. Good Work With The Tutorial.

  5. pls show us buddy. thanks in advance !

  6. i got your explanation. thanks i will try it tomorrow. more power buddy !

  7. Thanks! Great information!

  8. He did say that…

  9. Here’s a much simpler method.
    If there’s another table next to the one you’re playing on, aim for the side pocket on the adjacent table – it’s about the same as using a mirror on the rail. If there’s no table next to yours, use your imagination.

  10. a 7 min video. Dude, you waffle a lot

  11. this is the way i learned to bank – its a good general start until throw, speed, and shape come into play

  12. Banks are in principal a combination of science and mathematics. But due to tempurature, age of the rubber in the rails, quality of rubber, how inconsistent the felt was wrapped around the rail (tight in some areas, looser in others), a inconsistent stroke, etc. Thus, you cannot say that a bank shot is consistent, or an exact science… EVER! That is pure ignorance. There are many systems people use to make banks, from ones that are complicated, to purely feel. Find what works best for you.

  13. Its an incomplete video on banking. I will release a follow up soon… stay tuned…

  14. This is the way I was taught to bank properly, but I hardly ever use it since if it’s an easy bank I can do it with feel, and if it’s a hard bank measuring it still doesn’t give me a very high %. These are still great videos though, I disagree with those people that think there is something wrong with this “lesson” in banking.

  15. guys my 2nd comment is for esoxmusky..the WPC champion wanna be..!grow up fool..hahaha..!

  16. fool esoxmusky..

  17. thats why he’s trying to teach you the most easiest way to do retard..!and dont comment back fool..coz u cant say that we cannot play..filipinos do it and we do it real good..!

  18. nice info..thanks so much for the
    sure this will be one of my arsenal in tight games..tnx..!

  19. bank shots are very inconsistent.

    if you ever play on a table that you dont usually play on then you will notice that every single table is different. period, end of discussion.
    bank shots are inconsistent because every cushion acts differently in different spots and on different tables.
    If you dont know this either you never bank, you never play on any table but your own, or you simply do not play at all.

  20. bank shots are very inconsistent.

    if you ever play on a table that you dont usually play on then you will notice that every single table is different. period, end of discussion.
    bank shots are inconsistent because every cushion acts differently in different spots and on different tables.
    If you dont know this either you never bank, you never play on any table but your own, or you simply do not play at all.

  21. i do have to agree with esoxmusky. im not saying that ur stupid because ur much more experienced than myself. But it is all basic geometry. U r very good tho…thanx for the advice

  22. Dr. Cue Says the same….Why is forcefollow saying this is ignorant? This IS indeed pure science as when it all boils down a billiard table is exactly twice as long as it is wide…Im Confused?

  23. I usually just use the equal angle in/out idea and figure out where I want to hit the object ball so that it will bounce off into the pocket. It’s simple and works but its crude since you have to eyeball the angles. This seems more accurate.

  24. clean ur tabel//no offense

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