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Snooker Tips From Steve Davis

By • Aug 28th, 2008 • Category: Snooker Feature

Here are a few great snooker coaching tips from Steve Davis the great.

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13 Responses »

  1. My god what an exciting man you are mr davis

  2. if u want a snooker coach the best i have seen is stephen rowlings complete snooker cd/dvd go on his web site

  3. 12 i guess

  4. is that a 10ft table?!?

  5. I was thinking his cue was tiny. The table looks smaller too

  6. Is it me or is Davis’s cue very small?

  7. The nugget rules!

  8. very useful thanks!

  9. Thanks a lot, this is very useful for me

  10. Top player!!!!!!!

  11. yes the rest are on the same channel

  12. great, but do you have the rest of the video ??

  13. fantastic thanks alot

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