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Billiard, Pool, and Snooker Videos for the Cue Sport Junkie   

Snooker Shots Compilation

By • Aug 28th, 2008 • Category: Snooker Feature

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23 Responses »

  1. the music is horrible

  2. I liked ur video. Very nice! RONNIE RULES!!! Hope he win lot of tournaments next season!

  3. Biased… you’ve mainly got Higgens on, while the title says Snooker Compilations. Pure biased.

  4. Dream Theater, check out there other stuff

  5. jeez.. u earned my subscribtion

  6. Excelent stuff slug, keep it going !
    two of my favorite things – Snooker and dream theater ( :

  7. 1:06 Eurosport in Polish TV 😀

  8. yeah lol i knew it didnt seem right when i typed my last comment 😛

  9. clearly a lie since if u potted 14 blacks u got a century already. You mean 147? lol

  10. WTF is that music? you couldn’t find anything else?

  11. haha yes indeed 🙂

  12. solitary shell is the first song on the video, not the one at the end =).

  13. and Crucible Theatre is my fav place ;]

  14. Ronnie O’Sullivan is the best.

  15. haha, wow, was NOT expecting dream theater to be the music for this vid, good call (Dream Theater are my favourite band :D)

  16. the last shot was impressive

  17. The first shot by Selby wasn’t that impressive, he had the black in a perfect position.

  18. i thought it was called solitary shell:S

  19. About to Crash (reprise), sry

  20. its called About to Crash – from Dream Theater

  21. “called” sorry 🙂 my english is really bad

  22. what is the song at the end calling???

  23. on 02:11 I did the exact shot when I was in junior tournaments!

    I didn’t get a century though, I missed the 15th black to come up for the yellow.

    But the break was 97 so that makes it my highest and that’s good enough for me!

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