Snooker – Ronnie O’Sullivan – World Championship 1997
By Billiard Television Editor • Aug 28th, 2008 • Category: Snooker FeatureSnooker – Ronnie O’Sullivan – World Championship 1997

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snooker is the most difficult of the billiard games because you can not be less then perfect on every shot. if the ball hits any of the points the curviture will throw it back out. snooker players are by far the most accurate shooters
I’m not familiar with snooker(not played much in Texas) but that is the finest example of shooting I’ve ever seen.
still the best break ever!!
he was just milking that 8 ball… O.o
Best player i’ve ever seen .. xD — MF!
His Not That Good His Just More Than The Usuallhhh
Rocket Ronnie Rocks… Out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!
Most talented no doubt, some times his game can get abit eratic, but when he is on form, absolute genius, no-one can even get near him.
best player
no zajebist gosc jest
just amazing how fast he done it in!
he does make it look so easy ronnie is amazing!
ronnie makes it look so easy but its a hard game to play
O sullivan is 1 of my favorite snooker players .. He is just so constant and correct ..
incredible player!
Muito bom, Simplesmente perfeito!! Meus parab
verey nice
Amazing Amazing Amazing….
i heard when u pass 74 taylor gets a small boner in his pants when hes commentating
man, all we have on tv here in america is billiards, or we call it pool, but id love to see this, im gonna look up the rules on this, very entertaining.
ronnie the best!!!!!!!!!!!!